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There are many causes of headaches, the most common of which is referral of headache pain from the neck. A neck spinal joint sprain can cause pain referred to the head with no neck pain, it’s a common phenomenon. On examination the neck is limited in movement and sometimes painful when the range of movement is tested. Restoring the normal pain free range of neck movement can often resolve the headaches. Chiropractors and osteopaths treat this condition every day with good results.

The same aggravating factors that cause neck pain can provoke headaches; sleeping on your front with your neck twisted for hours, your posture while using the computer or using your phone, or watching TV. After fixing their neck we coach our patients to avoid these aggravating factors to minimize the risk of relapse.

Other more serious causes are brain tumours which present as headaches which wake you through the night, every night and are gradually getting worse. This presentation is a red flag for the experience clinician and further neurological tests support the diagnosis and a brain scan can confirm it. This condition is not common and is obvious to the experienced clinician. Migraine headaches involve a severe headache often with visual disturbances such as seeing zig zag lines or spots etc. Neck problems can be a factor in these headaches as can foods and beverages.

Headaches are often a disabling condition that affect your moods, make you cranky, affect your relationships and your ability to concentrate thus affecting your work and sporting performance. We take satisfaction in helping many sufferers of headache which can be life changing.