Our approach to diagnosis is the standard medical model. A good history, orthopaedic and neurological testing, chiropractic tests and X rays if needed. Treatment involves a combination of osteopathic and chiropractic techniques. That is massage and other soft tissue techniques are used as well as joint adjustments (both spinal and peripheral). Adjustments ( manipulation of the spine) are done into pain free directions. This approach is not only easier on the patient but is safe and give quicker and better results.
Ken teaches this safety first method of spinal adjusting. The results of the treatment are monitored before, during and after each treatment to measure improvement. That improvement might be less pain on movement, greater range of movement, less area of sensory loss etc. We have a range of non manipulations techniques for those who are uncomfortable with the ‘click’. These include soft tissue techniques and the latest electronic ‘Impulse’ adjusting instrument. These techniques take a little longer to get the same result. We recommend the minimum number of treatments to stop the symptoms and occasional maintenance treatment ( about every six weeks in most cases). Because we spend the time to do soft tissue work and monitor results most problems are quickly resolved. Because we coach posture change and rehabilitation exercises the minimum amount of treatment is needed overall. We recommend maintenance and you can make a future appointment or it can be left up to you to ring us later, we don’t send reminders etc.
We try to offer the safest , most result effective and cost effective treatment that we can.
If you are slouching over your computer or sleeping on your front with your neck twisted or lifting incorrectly then you may be aggravating your condition. By helping you to change your posture and break some of those habits we aim to get at the cause of your problem thus minimizing relapses. We teach trechniques from the Alexander and Feldenkrais schools plus mirror feed back and others techniques to change posture. Of course these awareness exercises only work if you do them. Good posture not only reduces the risk of injury but improves breathing and general health as well as making you look good.
There is a wonderful and simple exercise to help keep movement in your lower back which many of our patients do every day for one minute. It supports our treatment and lowers the risk of relapse. We also coach the use of core stability exercises using a gym ball. These exercises are aimed mainly at your stomach and help support your back and also make you generally stronger. The exercises are not difficult and can be done by anyone. They are graded from ‘too easy’ to ‘challenging’ and you can work your way up. We can show you the correct warm up exercises before you train. Ken has played competition judo for 44 years and still competes in World Masters Judo internationally.
X ray
Ken is licensed to take X rays but refers patients to a radiologist who take the exact views we request and bulk bills on Medicare. The Radiologist writes a report on the X rays and then Ken examines the X rays to assess any structural abnormalities. We do it this way because it is less expensive for our patients. X rays are not called for in every case and clinical judgement is use to decide when they are needed.
How often should you seek treatment?
We’ll try to fix you as quickly as we can. The amount of treatment depends on how bad the problem is. When the symptoms are gone we’ll recommend recalling about every six weeks but having given that advice we leave it up to you to decide. With maintenance we aim at keeping the joints moving normally. A stiff joint may not hurt but it is not getting lubricated properly and will wear out quicker leading to symptoms later on which might take a lot of treatment or even require surgical joint replacement.